Presentation Types
Concurrent Session
The concurrent Session is a session for formal presentations. Presenters should share specific research outcomes, developments or applications. ICoME recommends this session for the college faculties, PhD students or practitioners.
- Proposal: Approximately 400 words
- Presentation Time: 19 minutes including 5 minutes of Q&A
- Proceedings length: 4-8 pages

Instruction Text: How to make your presentation online (Concurrent Session)
Roundtable Session
The Roundtable Session is a session for casual presentations. Presenters can express not only specific research outcomes but also research interests, plans or even reviews of the previous studies. ICoME recommends this session for Master students and undergraduates. Approximately 20% of Round Table speakers will be awarded the “Young Scholar Award”.
- Proposal: Not required (Presentation Title only)
- Presentation Time: 14 minutes including 3 minutes of Q&A
- Proceedings length: Presentation Abstract should be submitted (Approximately 400 words, 1 or 2-4 pages)

Instruction Text: How to make your presentation online (Roundtable Session)
Presenter’s Guide
For Concurrent Session Presenters
- Each presentation should last 19 minutes including 5-minutes of Q and A.
- Presentations and discussions must be held in English.
- A chair of the session will be assigned from a presenter by the ICoME executive committee. A chair should handle the discussion after each presentation and keep the time of the session. A chair will be informed via e-mail before organizing the program.
- Zoom will be used for presentation. Meeting ID and password will be issued and informed after paper submission via e-mail.
- Equipment for presentation must be obtained by each presenter including the internet connection.
For Roundtable Session Presenters
- Each presentation is 14 minutes including 3-minutes of Q and A.
- All presenters are recommended joining the Opening and Closing Talk of Roundtable Session.
- Presentations and discussions must be held in English.
- Presenters will be provided a tutorial session before the session for checking the operation of Zoom, a video meeting system that ICoME will use.
- Zoom will be used for presentation. Meeting ID and passwords will be issued after the abstract submission via e-mail.
- Equipment for the presentation must be prepared by each presenter including the internet connection.